
Showing posts from April, 2021

Award-Winning Chinese food, 5% off select old-school dishes

  Pictured above is one of two award walls inside Rainbow, these are the Mpls St. Paul Magazine Diner's Choice and Reader's Choice awards. Across the hall, are the City Pages Best of the Twin Cities awards. We were sad to see City Pages go. Opening doors with egg rolls Pre-pandemic and pre-I35w /Lake street closures made it a lot easier for everyone to make their way to Rainbow Chinese. Though we like to think of ourselves as a neighborhood restaurant, a good number of you drive across town to visit us— we want to thank you for your continued patronage. You may have only seen the outside of our building when picking up take-out, it's been a year since we've had the dining room and bar open for guests. We do not plan on opening our doors in the near future, it's going to take some time for the world to heal, and it's only just starting to move into the right direction. 1998 marks the first award on the wall and a start of a new era. We moved across the street fro...

Bring spring, 5% off gailan dishes

  Are we safe from snow? It's April in Minnesota, and that means the snow flurries could come at any time. We want the grass popping up and trees budding to overtake any cold spells. The let's get green on the mind.  This week order green:  Get 10% off our favorite  Gailan  dishes. If you see Gailan in the title it qualifies! GAI-LAN (CHINESE BROCCOLI) 🔰 $9.00 Gailan is a delicious and mild broccoli-like vegetable. Instead of little trees, you get a toothsome, leafy green, simliar to collard greens, but not as leathery. It's not watery like bok choy, or spicy like mustard greens, or as soft as spinach. They're pretty tasty on their own, but are available as an add-on to most of our entrees and noodle dishes.  Discount does not apply to gailan add-ons.  ORDER NOW 10 % Get 10% off GAI-LAN dishes Use the code below when you pay 012 345 The reward expires on April 18, 2021. No cash value. Not transferable. Valid in-store or via Square Online, if applicabl...

5% off your order, KnowMSG, and Chinese Restaurant Syndrome

  MSG is everywhere. What is MSG?  In 1908, Japanese scientist Dr. Kikunae Ikeda was interested in what made dashi, a seaweed broth common in Japanese cuisine, so tasty. Ikeda studied the broth and in 1907 successfully isolated the chemical that is responsible for its  umami  flavor, which is  monosodium glutamate . Umami- enhancer  MSG ,  looks and acts like salt, but has two-thirds less sodium than table salt. Glutamate is an  amino acid ,  not a gluten , and not a protein. ( Proteins are the  cause of food allergies.)  MSG is common in processed foods  like ketchup, mayonnaise, ranch dressing, canned soup and vegetables, KFC fried chicken, Doritos, Fritos, potato chips, hot dogs, beef jerky— high umami foods.  MSG can also be found in non-processed foods  like tomatoes, grapes, clams and even breast milk.  Though you may feel you've overdosed on MSG while eating Chinese food, we at Rainbow, know exactly what i...

Everyone's favorite sale: Fired Up!

  What's happening hot stuff? Movie still from John Hughes 1980s classic, Sixteen Candles. As we try to go about out daily business, we have to acknowledge the heightened attention given to the Asian community this past year, and think about conversations that we ought to be having. Why are we still concentrating on peoples' foreign characteristics instead of human characteristics?  Long Duk Dong, from the movie Sixteen Candles, continues to leave an impression on its viewers. Whether you thought it was funny at the time, or if it gave you great pains to see, we still need to question why this sort of representation still happens— and what we can do to stop it. "It's like every bad stereotype possible, loaded into one character."  The actor Gedde Watanabe, who played the character is interviewed about his role. NPR news story:   Long Duk Dong: Last of the Hollywood Stereotypes? Fired Up!  If there's not already a fire in your belly, we can help you get there. ...