Sesame Noodles, Tuesday time-off, Weekday Specials
A dish for the warm/cold weather ⭐SESAME NOODLES 🥜🔰 $10.00 One of our comfort food staples, Sesame Noodles can be ordered either warm or cold. The weather may determine how you order it. Cold days= warm noodles, warm days = cold noodles. It's a round wheat noodle dressed with sesame seeds, creamy peanut butter, sesame oil and Tammy's secret sauce. This dish is rich, share it, or save some for later. This is a kid-friendly, family favorite. 10 % Get 10% off ⭐SESAME NOODLES Use the code below when you pay. 012 345 The reward expires on March 01, 2021. No cash value. Not transferable. Valid in-store or via Square Online, if applicable. May be canceled at any time. ORDER NOW Tuesday is now part of our weekend. Starting March 1st, we will be operating on one less day- Tuesdays are now a much needed day off. Our staff will recharge on Monday and Tuesday, aka the service industry weekend. We are open normal hours Wednesday- Sunday. Do you know about weekd...